Erik Nelson
Erik Nelson is a San Francisco Bay Area and Tokyo based saxophonist and composer. He has received awards and honors from SFJAZZ, Monterey Jazz Festival, Downbeat Student Music Awards, and Yamaha among others. In May 2023 he graduated from UC Berkeley. He moved to Tokyo in September 2023 and is currently based there.
Lesson inquiries:
By email or Instagram DM.
In person private lessons are held in Tokyo. Online lessons are through Zoom, Discord, Google Meet, etc.
Subjects include saxophone technique, improvisation (any instrument), music theory, composition, etc.
Lessons are taught in English or Japanese.
In Person rate: ¥7000/hr, ¥5000 for students
Online rate: US$40/hr
Monthly Rate Discount: Price of 3 lessons for 4 lessons/month
オンラインのレッスンはZoom、Discord、Google Meet等で行います。
課程查詢:email 或 Instagram DM.
線上教學:可透過 Zoom, Discord, 等方式。
課程包括薩克斯風演奏技巧,即興創作(應用於任何樂器), 音樂理論,音樂創作,等。
第一堂課 前30 分鐘免費
學生折扣 ¥5000/小時
線上價格: US$40/小時
Erik was born in Berkeley, California in 2000. In his sophomore year in high school he became serious about jazz and started studying with Dann Zinn. By his senior year he was selected as first tenor in the prestigious SFJAZZ High School All Stars Big Band and Combo, as well as first tenor in the nationally selective Next Generation Jazz Orchestra, which toured Japan in 2018. He received a Downbeat Student Music award for his original composition “This is Not a Song.” Throughout his high school career he had the opportunity to share the stage with jazz luminaries such as Joel Frahm, Ingrid Jensen, Tia Fuller, Wayne Bergeron, and Matt Penman.
He was admitted to UC Berkeley intending on pursuing a career in mathematical physics, however he soon realized music was his true calling. While he didn’t move to the east coast or attend a music school like most of his peers in jazz, he maintained nationally competitive musical excellence, being selected as an alternate for Carnegie Hall’s NYO Jazz Big Band in 2019, and receiving an honorable mention (2nd place in the contemporary music - saxophone category) in the national 2022 Yamaha Young Performing Artists Competition. During his time at university he regularly played with bay area based groups such as the Kyle Athayde Dance Party and the Electric Squeezebox orchestra. He also toured Japan again in 2019 with the California Jazz Conservatory’s Blue Ensemble. He has played at many venues in America including the main stage at Monterey Jazz Festival, the SFJAZZ Miner Auditorium, Bandcamp’s Oakland venue, and various others in the Bay Area. In Japan, he has played at the Monterey Jazz Festival in Noto and Tokyo TUC and as a guest performer at Kawaguchiko Stellar Jam.
He graduated in May 2023 with a BA in Music and moved to Tokyo in September 2023. He is currently active in Japan and has played with David Bryant, Soil and "Pimp" Sessions, Masahiko Osaka, Katakura Mayuko, Atori Yuki, among others. He has played at many venues such as Shinjuku Pit Inn, Blue Note Place, Ochanomizu Naru, Local Green Festival, and Ikebukuro Jazz Festival.
-California All-State High School Jazz Band 1st Tenor Saxophone (2017)
-Next Generation Jazz Festival Outstanding Soloist Award (High School Conglomerate Big Band), Tenor Saxophone (2018)
-Next Generation Jazz Festival Outstanding Soloist Award (High School Conglomerate Combo), Tenor Saxophone (2018)
-Downbeat Student Music Awards, Original Composition – Small Ensemble (2018)
-Monterey Jazz Festival Next Generation Jazz Orchestra, 1st Tenor Saxophone (2018)
-SFJAZZ Education Superior Musician Award (2018)
-SFJAZZ High School All Stars Big Band 1st Tenor Saxophone (2018)
-SFJAZZ High School All Stars Combo (2018)
-Jazz Search West Finalist (2019)
-Carnegie Hall National Youth Orchestra Jazz Alternate (2019)
-Yamaha Young Performing Artists Competition Honorable Mention (2022)
アメリカ合衆国バークレー市出身。9歳よりサックスを始め、15歳から真剣にジャズをDann Zinnの元で学び始める。17歳にはカリフォニアの全州高校生ビッグバンドの1stテナーに選ばれた。18歳の時に全米高校生のビッグバンドのNext Generation Jazz Orchestraの1stテナーサックスに選ばれ、日本でツアーし、モントレー・ジャズ・フェスティバルでIngrid Jensen、Tia Fullerと共に演奏。また、SFJAZZの高校生のビッグバンド1stテナーとコンボのメンバーに選ばれ、SFJAZZ Collectiveから指導を受ける機会があり、その後ダウンビート誌からオリジナル曲賞を受賞。高校時代にジャズの名人のJoel FrahmやWayne Bergeron、Matt Penmanなど共演した。
2018年カリフォルニア大学のバークレー校に数学専攻として入学し、数学の教授を希望したが、音楽が天職だと気付き音楽の道に行くことを決めた。他のジャズミュージシャン仲間と違い、東海岸とニューヨークに行かずとも全国的にも競争力のあるレベルを維持し、2019年カーネギーホールの全米のビッグバンドのNYO Jazzにエキストラとして選ばれた。更に、2022年全米のヤマハのYamaha Young Performing Artists Competitionで特別賞を受賞した。2019年California Jazz Conservatory Blue Ensembleと日本でツアーし、ステラジャムでゲストアーティストとして演奏。大学の時代に様々なベイエリアを拠点とするバンドや音楽家、Kyle Athayde Dance PartyやElectric Squeezebox Orchestraなどと共演した。
モントレー ジャズ フェスティバルの本舞台やSFJAZZ Center、Bandcampのオークランド会場、その他ベイエリアの様々な会場を含む、アメリカの多くの会場で演奏。 日本ではモントレージャズフェスティバルイン能登、Tokyo TUC、河口湖ステラシアター、など様々なイベントで演奏した。
2023年5月に音楽学士として卒業し、2023年9月に来日、現在日本で活躍し、David Bryant、Soil and "Pimp" Sessions、大坂昌彦、片倉真由子、アトリユウキ、などと共演し、新宿ピットイン、Blue Note Place、御茶ノ水ナル、池袋ジャズフェスティバルなどの舞台で演奏した。
-California All-State High School Jazz Band 1st Tenor Saxophone (2017)
-Next Generation Jazz Festival Outstanding Soloist Award (High School Conglomerate Big Band), Tenor Saxophone (2018)
-Next Generation Jazz Festival Outstanding Soloist Award (High School Conglomerate Combo), Tenor Saxophone (2018)
-Downbeat Student Music Awards, Original Composition – Small Ensemble (2018)
-Monterey Jazz Festival Next Generation Jazz Orchestra, 1st Tenor Saxophone (2018)
-SFJAZZ Education Superior Musician Award (2018)
-SFJAZZ High School All Stars Big Band 1st Tenor Saxophone (2018)
-SFJAZZ High School All Stars Combo (2018)
-Jazz Search West Finalist (2019)
-Carnegie Hall National Youth Orchestra Jazz Alternate (2019)
-Yamaha Young Performing Artists Competition Honorable Mention (2022)
Erik出生於美囯加州柏克萊. 母親是台灣人。在他高2那年時, 他對爵士樂開使認真及產生狂熱. 從此他跟隨名師教授, Dann Zinn努力學習。
高四時, 他甄試被選上了聲望極高的樂團,SFJazz High School All Stars Big Band and Combo。同時在全美國年輕樂手選拔入選Next Generation Jazz Orchestra,擔任了 Tenor Saxophone首席。他歷年來先後獲得作品比賽獎。值得一提的是, 他得到了知名樂界的 Downbeat 學生音樂原作獎。在他的高中生涯裡,他曾經有過不少機會與爵士界衆人皆知的樂手同台演出。 例如,Joel Frahm, Ingrid Jensen,Tia Fuller,及 Wayne Bergeron 等人.
Erik以高分被錄取加州柏克萊大學物理系。原本以為朝著主攻物理數學方面進展將成為他長遠的目標。在不到兩年的大學生活中,很快的晃然大悟。他肯定音樂才是他真正的招喚. 雖然他沒有像大多數的音樂友人搬到美國東岸去就讀東部的音樂學院。他持續卓越的音樂才華也同時維持著可向全國音樂挑戰的水平及兢爭性。在2019 年,他被選上Carnegie Hall NYO Jazz Big Band 的交換成員。2022 年, 獲得YAMAHA全國年青樂手榮譽獎。
在大學時, 他經常與基於加州灣區的職業樂團一起上台表演。其中有Kyle Athayde Dance Party, the Electric Squeezebox Orchestra。 在2019 他和當時的樂團 ,California Jazz Conservatory’s Blue Ensemble, 到日本巡迴演出. 他於2022年秋季以交換學生身份進入台灣大學,並很快得融入台灣爵士樂界,在Sappho、享像等場所演出。 曾與馬仕函、詹宗霖、荃陸、葉庭均等及其他台灣爵士音樂家合作演出。2023 年畢業於加州柏克來大學音樂系.
當他在美國的時候,曾在美國的許多音樂場館演出。 其中也包括大會場的舞台. 例如:蒙特利爵士音樂節的主舞台、SF JAZZ Center, Bandcamp 的 Oakland音樂舞台 ,及其他許多灣區場地進行演出。他和 Next Generation Jazz Orchestra 到日本巡迴。受邀到Monterey Jazz Festival in Noto及Tokyo TUC演出。在2019 年,再次到日本巡回。 他代表 California Jazz Conservatory 被Kawaguchiko Stellar Jam邀请為客座表演者。
2023 年畢業於加州柏克來大學音樂系。他目前在早稻田大學進修日語。同時也繼續追求更上一層的音樂領域。
-California All-State High School Jazz Band 1st Tenor Saxophone (2017)
-Next Generation Jazz Festival Outstanding Soloist Award (High School Conglomerate Big Band), Tenor Saxophone (2018)
-Next Generation Jazz Festival Outstanding Soloist Award (High School Conglomerate Combo), Tenor Saxophone (2018)
-Downbeat Student Music Awards, Original Composition – Small Ensemble (2018)
-Monterey Jazz Festival Next Generation Jazz Orchestra, 1st Tenor Saxophone (2018)
-SFJAZZ Education Superior Musician Award (2018)
-SFJAZZ High School All Stars Big Band 1st Tenor Saxophone (2018)
-SFJAZZ High School All Stars Combo (2018)
-Jazz Search West Finalist (2019)
-Carnegie Hall National Youth Orchestra Jazz Alternate (2019)
-Yamaha Young Performing Artists Competition Honorable Mention (2022)
Downbeat Award Recipient (2018)
Downbeat Award Recipient (2018)
Social Media
Email: [email protected]
メールアドレス:[email protected]
電子信箱:[email protected]
6/6 御茶ノ水ナル w/大坂昌彦
6/26 川越 Le Chat Et L'ange Erik Nelson Quartet
5/26 吉祥寺 音吉MEG! w/大坂昌彦
5/25 下北沢 RPM アニセッション
5/23 六本木 Satin Doll w/CC
5/22 恵比寿 Blue Note Place w/關街
5/18 池袋ジャズフェスティバル w/CC
5/17 高田馬場 Cafe Cotton Club セッション
5/8 新宿 Pit Inn w/松原慎之介
5/6 青山 Zimagine w/磯部直樹
5/5 御茶ノ水 ナル w/大坂昌彦04/2024:
4/27 OurDelight w/大坂昌彦
4/23 ドンファン w/Han quartet
4/21 Keystone Club 東京 Quon 1st Live4/17 吉祥寺 M.J. Smile Erik Nelson Quartet
布施音人(pf)4/11 吉祥寺音吉!MEG Erik Nelson Quartet
山崎隼(ds)@ 横浜 DOLPHY
4/4 大坂昌彦カルテット03/2024:
3/28 Le Chat Et L'ange
Erik Nelson Quartet
鈴木梨花子(ds)3/26 Mark VI 目白3/22 Virtuoso 赤坂 Up and Coming Session
Erik Nelson(ts)
David Bryant(pf)
Zack Auslander(gt)
多田涼馬(dr)3/17 セロニアス w/増田雄斗02/2024:2/24-25 Marsalis Bar 高雄 Erik Nelson Quartet
詹宗霖(pf)2/21 Sappho 台北 Erik Nelson Quintet
詹宗霖(pf)2/7 Apollo 下北沢 Erik Nelson Quartet
武藤勇樹(pf) 廣橋契(b) 鈴木梨花子(ds)01/2024:
1/28 下北沢 RPM w/大津 惇12/2023
12/15 下北沢 RPM w/戸田絵理香